1/2" Thick Cork Board (24" x 36")
Get premium quality cork board from Cork Direct. Our extra thick 1/2" cork sheets are the perfect tacking surface that can be used for bulletin boards, dart boards, trivets, game board surfaces and more. Natural cork provides exceptional acoustical and thermal benefits. Order 1-5 Cork Board Sheets and receive Free Shipping. Need to cover more surface? Check out our cartons of cork sheets here.
Cork Direct warrants its products to meet all published specifications and to be free of any and all manufacturing defects. No other warranty is expressed or implied.
The finish of all CorkDirect tile and plank flooring is warranted not to wear through under normal use at any time during the life of the floor. “Wear-through” is defined as complete finish removal on any amount over 3% of the total installation. This non-transferable warranty applies only to the original purchaser.